How To Choose the Right Diamond Ring
The fact that diamonds are the best friends of girls is known to everyone for a very long time. A diamond ring on a woman’s hand is not only a sign of her well-being. Jewelry with this most expensive stone in the world is inherited. And, even if they are not a museum value, they are valued in the family.
Today, the price of a diamond ring may seem unaffordable to many. But, as it turned out, you can give your woman such a ring and not go broke. It all depends on what kind of stone is inserted in an expensive gold frame.
It turns out that you can buy a diamond ring at an average price. And here it is important to understand exactly that you are buying a natural diamond, and not a fake. How to choose correctly and not fall into the clutches of scammers?
Important! Buy diamond rings should only be in reliable trusted places, stores that have a high reputation as an honest seller.
But if you continue to be tormented by vague doubts, you can check which stone is inserted into the ring.
Life hacks or how to check if there is a real diamond in the ring
Diamonds weighing more than 0.3 carats are certified in the gemological laboratory. In the case of the sale of a diamond in a jewelry item, a certificate can be issued not only for the stone itself, but also for a diamond ring, as well as other jewelry.
Having a certificate number, you can easily check it by going to the website of the laboratory that issued it. The certificate number is also applied to the stone itself from the bottom. This number cannot be changed without damaging the diamond.
The largest and most famous laboratory today is the American GIA laboratory. But certificates issued in India are much less valuable.
Did you know that only a diamond will not be visible under X-rays?
Yes, of course, none of us will carry to see through the stone before buying. But you can always check it this way. The rays will pass through the stone and the image will be empty. No other material gives such a picture.
Distinguish a diamond from glass or crystal.
Breathe on it. If the stone is not misted, then it is a diamond.
The directional beam is not visible on the bottom or back of the stone.
Such a simple experience can be carried out with a laser pointer or with the help of a smartphone flashlight. The beam is refracted and does not pass through the stone to its reverse side.
The ratio of weight and size.
There is a special table, thanks to which you can determine whether the carateness corresponds to the size of the stone and its weight. Most often, a diamond is replaced with zirconium, crystal, quartz or cubic zirconia.
We look at the frame.
If you are offered a beautiful diamond in a cheap frame, then it is definitely not a diamond. For the product, take at least two grams of gold, and it must be of the highest quality.
Of course, few people will allow you to use it in the store when buying. But! The sandpaper will not leave the slightest trace on the diamond.
How much does a diamond ring cost?
Why would a loose diamond ring cost less than a single diamond ring? After all, there is more work in it, and the stones themselves.
The whole point is that the value of the precious stone is growing exponentially. Its price is determined by the formula size squared, multiplied by the cost of one carat.
So, 1 stone in 1 carat will cost 10 times more than ten stones in 0.1 carats. What can we say about the diamond crumb? It will be very cheap. But it is thanks to this formula that it becomes possible to buy a diamond ring not for an exorbitant price. It becomes more accessible to the consumer.
Diamond purity and color
This parameter also affects the price of the stone and the gold diamond ring. Most of us are used to the fact that a diamond is a transparent stone that gives out all the colors of the rainbow under the rays of light.
There is a scale of transparency of the stone, in which the most expensive are transparent. The rating system is developed by the GIA Institute and is a globally accepted classification.
The purity of the stone is evaluated on a scale from D to Z. These letters indicate the presence of rock inclusions in the crystal. And the more such inclusions, the lower the cost of the diamond. The most expensive diamonds in this classification go from D to M. Further, their cost is approximately the same.
After the rating on the letter scale, the rating is based on the shade. There are only three of them:
The last option in the list of diamonds with rich deep shades is extremely rare in nature. And due to this, it is the most expensive type.
Interesting facts.
One of the most expensive diamonds has a graphite color. The Black Eagle diamond weighs 67.50 carats, and its origin is shrouded in mystical mystery.
Colored diamonds with a rich hue belong to the fantasy ones. They are not rated on a generally accepted scale. The most expensive diamond is a rich fantasy diamond.
Yellow diamonds are most commonly found. Rarely blue and very rarely pink. When describing them, the letter of the secondary color is put first.
Fancy diamonds, extracted naturally, are among the most expensive. They are much cheaper to produce artificially. The fluorescence in such fancy colored diamonds is highly valued. But for a transparent diamond, this will be a serious drawback.
Interesting facts. The largest diamond of natural origin is Cullinan-I. It was found in 1905, and its weight was 3,106 ct.
How does the cut of the stone affect the price
The play of light in the diamond creates that unique charm. Passing through the stone, the beam of light bounces off the edges, refracts and gives out all the colors of the rainbow, and a unique radiance.
How many such faces should there be for the diamond to play, and does the possible number of them depend on the weight? It is believed that, ideally, a large diamond should have 57 facets. In stones from 0.33 to 0.05, there will be only 33 faces. But here comes the skill of a jeweler who can cut a 0.33-carat diamond so that it will have all 57 facets.
diamond cut
Fancy cut- more common today.
Princess cut engagement rings.
The weight of the stone can vary from the size of a 2.6 mm stone weighing 0.1 ct to 9.5 mm, the weight of the stone is 5ct. Princess — one of the most popular types of cutting. The play of light in it is one of the most intense. Today, the Princess is much more expensive than other fantasy borders. This cut has the shape of a square, but it can also be rectangular. Some jewelers use the Princess cut engagement rings on their own. In some products, it can be seen surrounded by trillions.
A trillion is a triangular diamond, the sides of which have a rounded shape. This design was first invented by Amsterdam jewelers. What will be the final shape of the diamond depends directly on the preferences of the jeweler.
The following types of edges are cheaper. But they look bigger than a round diamond due to the shape.
Asher diamond cut engagement rings.
Something like a Princess, but it has more to do with the shape. The Usher diamond has more tiers. The most expensive are Ushers with an equilateral shape.
Baguette diamond cut engagement rings.
The same applies to stones of rectangular or square shape. If the aspect ratio is 1:1, then the cut is called a Square. This shape has the least facets, so it is advisable to use it for processing small diamonds.
The baguette will look good in bracelets, necklaces, pendants. It is used for framing jewelry. When buying a ring with a baguette, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the cut, as the stone may have cracks.
The Marquise cut engagement rings.
It has an oval shape, narrowed to the edges. 0.1 ct measures 4.6 mm by 2.6 mm, and a stone in 5ct will measure 16.6 mm by 9.5 mm.
The diamond has a slightly elongated shape in the form of a wedge. A marquise diamond rings with a marquis will look perfect on a narrow and very elegant hand, lengthening the fingers.
Interesting facts. According to legend, this form of cutting was ordered from a jeweler by Louis Louis XIV for the Marquise De Pompadour. The diamond was made in the shape of her smile.
Pear cut engagement rings.
This diamond shape is very similar to a drop. The size of 0.1 ct according to the table is 4*2.7 mm, and 5ct is 14.7*9.8 mm. When used in a ring, it also visually lengthens the fingers. However, most often the Pear is used in the manufacture of pendants, earrings and necklaces.
Heart cut engagement rings.
This is a pear-shaped diamond, only with a split part on a wide base. In execution, this is one of the most difficult types of cutting. You should carefully choose a diamond ring in the form of a heart, paying attention to the high clarity of the lines. The weight of 0.1 ct corresponds to the dimensions of 3.3*3.2 mm, 5ct-11.2*10.8 mm.
Oval cut engagement rings.
0.1 ct in an oval is 3.6 mm by 2.8, and 5ct is 13.1 by 10 mm. The shape is applied to large and expensive diamonds in oval cut engagement rings. It looks great in rings and earrings.
Radiant cut engagement rings.
A deep stone with a lot of weight. One of those facets that can enhance the play of color. It has an eight-square shape and a deep pavilion.
Now it becomes easier to understand what makes up the price of a diamond.
Frame design
The beauty of the stone does not require a fancy frame. It should emphasize it and at the same time firmly hold the diamond. The main thing is that the top of the gem should protrude beyond the frame, then it will play better in the light.
Summing up: how to choose a diamond ring
When buying diamond rings, it is necessary, first of all, to objectively assess your budget. So, when you come to the store, you will not rush around randomly, but immediately tell the seller from which options you are ready to choose. First, this way you will save your own time. Secondly, you will not feel awkward when you are offered options for a diamond ring that you can not pay for.
Make your choice according to the items listed in the article: the type of cut, color, and so on.
Ask to show your passport for the product you like. As we wrote above, the relevant documents are issued for diamond rings.